Monday, June 23, 2014

June 23

This week was intense! 

So.. remember Michael, the Zimbabwean former investigator?? Well, we were having a lesson with him this week on Thursday, and he was showing small concerns of why he wouldn't be able to be baptized on the 5th of July.  We read with him the promise in 2 Nephi 31 that baptism is the gateway to eternal life. we asked him to ponder about what eternal life was, and what it meant to him, and we all sat there in silence pondering for a couple of minutes. the spirit was on fire.  Elder Costigan said, "Michael, How badly do you want eternal life." Micahel said, "I want the surety as soon as possible," then we invited him to be baptized on this saturday instead of the 5th of July and we sat there in silence for a bit and then eventually he said, "absolutely".  so. Michael was baptized on Saturday. It was an incredible, heartwarming service. Elder Debeikes, my companion in Coventry who is now the district leader in Loughborough was able to get in his whites for the first time and baptize their chinese investigator named Feng.  He is the man! 

On Tuesday we went to go visit Ivy before she left for London for the week, and her and her roommates were doing some gardening, so we helped them for a couple of hours, and meanwhile, we were able to become mates with her roommates, to make a long story short, Barry, Ivy's roommate is one of our leading progressing investigators, he came to church, and has so much real intent! every time we go to teach Barry he has questions written down about things he's read in the book of mormon, or what he's read He is a legend at guitar as well so he's been teaching me how to play bar chords, we will go to his house during p-day today because he wants to cook us chinese food.  

The zone is doing great! this week we have zone conference, and so that means that we get to buy 300£ worth of subway, which means it all goes on my subway card, which means I get 4 free foot longs :) life is good! #SubwayTenderMercies.  

After the baptism on saturday we went out to eat with some of our chinese investigators and recent converts, and it was a blast! 

Elder Costigan and I were studying patterns in companionship study, and we both realized that a pattern of success and growing in love and friendship with our investigators has been food. so we made plans for this next week of how we're either going to make meals for our investigators, bake them cookies, have them make us food, or somehow, be able to eat a meal together. We are really exited about how this is going to help us! 

Yesterday at church was a very special day as well! not only was Michael confirmed, but david, our recent convert from a few weeks ago, was interviewed for the aaronic priesthood and I was able to ordain him a preist yesterday, which was such a special experience! not only will he be passing the sacrament, blessing the sacrament, but he will be BAPTIZING Ivy on the 5th of July. He also came out teaching with us a few times this week, and he was incredible! The best way to help a recent convert to stay active is to get them to feel the missionary spirit, and we are exited for the way that david will share the gospel in England, but we are especially exited for the day when David, like so many others, will return to china and open the doors of the gospel to the most populated place in the world! I can't wait for the day that china is opened. 

Life is good, the work is great, being a missionary is the greatest. I've said this way too many times, but if any you have problems you need to sort out, just share the gospel and all of your problems will be fixed! It actually doesn't make any sense to me that by sacraficing other things that are important to us and putting the lord first we will be happier, but it's so true. Satan just does an incredible job of giving us reasons why this won't make us more happy. but it will. I know it! 

I love each of you so much! I will attatch some pictures of the baptism and some other pictures, I hope you enjoy them! and I hope you have an incredible week! take care :)

Elder Sam Harris. 

p.s. USA! 

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