Monday, July 7, 2014

July 7, 2014


I definitely missed teh 4th of July this week. just a completely normal day for us. but next 4th of July, I'll be with ya :) and I might even go to stadium of fire for the first time. we'll see!! 

This week was great! it was amazing to witness the  baptism and confirmations of Ivy, Barry and Danny. Ivy and Barry are so special. Barry read the book of mormon in less than 2 weeks and just absolutely loved it. his conversion was so sweet. During our first lesson he told us that he wanted so badly to have a faith, but that he wasn't able to, the Book of Mormon resolved every concern he had in life, according to his own words. He's buzzing for the gospel and is telling all of his friends about it! Ivy is the same. This week, Ivy called us twice, because she had friends at her house, and she wanted them to meet us so we could share the gospel with them! 

At the moment the Universities are out for summer break, so we basically have no one to talk to, but we have faith that god will place people into our path that are ready for the restored gospel. 

I was able to baptize Barry, and Elder Costigan baptised Ivy. It was such a sweet sweet service. As soon as Barry hit the water he was smiling ear to ear. He said he wants to be an apostle. we'll see what happens haha.  I was also able to confirm Ivy, and while i was doing so, one of the 4 year old primary children was tugging on my leg and scratching me up and down my body. I had to try SO HARD not to be distracted or laugh. that's one thing I love so much about the church. With 10+ kids constantly screaming and yelling, the spirit is so strong! a place centered on families is the right place for me!! as Barry and Danny were confirmed, he still didn't let go of my leg. It was hilarious. and I'm just grateful that no one seemed to notice! 

I called Jill on Monday night and let her know that I was staying! I asked her if she could email mom so that you would know as well. I'm stoked I'm still in Loughborough with Elder Costigan! it should hopefully be another great transfer! I love what I'm doing.. have I mentioned that before?? 

I also cut my hair again. I'm embracing my bald self! bald can be sexy right?? I'll make it work somehow!! 

This week also consisted of eating a different chinese dish EVERY DAY. Ivy loves cooking so much! and she insisted that we came over to her apartment every single day and eat with her and Barry! honestly, when you guys get to try this food we'll all cry together :) 

Have a sweet week! enjoy the summer, enjoy the pool, enjoy each other! go and serve someone you love :) 

the best quote I heard from last week, 

"I love talking to random strangers on the street, because they are my future best friends." so true. love you all!

Elder Samuel Harris. 

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