Monday, June 2, 2014

June 2, 2014

Hello family and friends! 

I love you! I really do! 

This week was once again, phenomenal! it's crazy to see what has happened to the area in Loughborough. The Loughborough district of 3 teams went from teaching around 18 lessons a week, to about 45 on average. the work is going nuts and it's so fun to be a part of it! I'm still trying to figure out this whole pattern thing in missionary work. I'm thinking I've come to a conclusion that god decides when he wants the work to progress and when he wants people to learn from not having as much.  This week I really missed beto's. just a side note, but holy cow I feel like the greasiest breakfast burrito would change the world! 
I got to go on exchange with Elder Debeikes, one of my favorite companions this week and it was incredible. the whole day we just talked about how much we wanted to serve together again. Before the mission on our way to Lake powell dad told me that I would become just as close with some of my companions as with some of my baseball teammates. I thought he was absolutely off his rocker, taking the mick! but it is true, especially with Elder Debeikes and Elder Unice they are my brothers.  We were able to teach a few people and spend some good time finding, we went to a pizza place that was a massive pizza for only 4£ so that made me happy.  We made a lot of progress with david this week. his date is fixed for this saturday, the 7th! please keep him in your prayers as well. Not only are we exited that David is getting baptized, but what I'm more exited about is a recent convert, also chinese, named Ji, will be baptizing David! looking forward to showing you pictures next week! 

Here's a cool story from last week! so we had 10 minutes before 9 so we decided we'd do one last stop by before we went in, so we locked our bikes together, not to anything outside of our investigators house. When we came out of the house 5 minutes later, our bikes had been stolen! we were way upset and asking everyone if they'd seen our bikes, but eventually we gave up looking and because we were on exchange, Elder costigan came and picked us up and dropped us off at our flat.  4 days later, we were going by an investigator and she wasn't in, and for some reason I had an impression to go look in some random persons back yard, so we did, and our bikes were still chained together there! we called the police, and they were like, "if they're youur bikes than why don't you just go into the back yard and get them!" so we did. as we were walking out with them, one of the kids saw us, and started yelling for his parents, but we booked it out of there and now we have our bikes again! it was a way cool experience that I'll never forget! 

I know the church is true. I love being a missionary! Please continue to pray for me and for the missionaries, members, and investigators that i am working with! I love you all so much, have a great week!! 

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