Monday, June 9, 2014

June 9, 2014

Hey family!

This week was another great one.  David was baptized and confirmed! enjoy the pictures of him. he is the one sitting down, and the one in between elder Costigan and I. the person who baptized him is a recent convert of 3 months who is such a beast at sharing the gospel, a great example to us of how we need to be when were members back home and we have something as prescious as the gospel. After the baptism we walked home with David, and he told us the story of the series of events that lead him to want to be baptized. The lord was with us every step of the way in our teaching process and it was cool to hear his conversion story from his mouth. On Sunday after his confirmation he was so exited! He is looking forward to receiving the priesthood in a few weeks and hopefully attending the temple to do proxy baptisms. 

The ward asked me to give a talk this week on developing Christlike attributes, I shared some quotes from preach my gospel and linked developing christlike attributes to repentance, by sharing the conversion story of Alma the Younger in Alma 36, and how he developed christlike attributes because of this repentance.  I hope they enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed studying for it.  

On Monday we got a call from an unknown number and he told us that he wanted to see us as soon as possible, we immediately went there and he told us that he investigated the church 4 years ago and wants to be baptized. So... that was a miracle! haha to say the least. he will hopefully be baptized on the 21st. His name is Michael, he is 60, is addicted to smoking, and is very depressed. He needs the gospel so much and we are exited to see what it will be able to do for him.  

Another sweet investigator were working with at the moment is Ivy. She is a chinese Uni student who will be baptized on the 21st for sure. It's amazing how much we have been blessed, I feel like we don't deserve half the things we have been able to see. 

I'm grateful for the gospel. I LOVE that the gospel is about becoming better each day, and not just an immediate elevator effect. I love the oppurtunities we have to learn and grow from our successes and our hardest trials.  I love Joseph Smith, he truly is my biggest idol besides Jesus Christ. 

If any of you are struggling or not content with something in your life, share the gospel! it fixes everything. have a great week!! 

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