Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May 26th 2014

hey family!! 

This week was great! I do not have a lot of time so this will probably be quite short! It was another great week for Elder Costigan and I. The zone is really doing so well! we have been blessed so much to have the missionaries that are in Leicester at the moment! We are pretty sure that we set a mission record for most new investigators in a month! so we are buzzin' about that.  This week there were some sweet miracles. We decided to go to Leicester for the day of transfers to help the teams with their luggage and belongings and seeing them off on their trains and buses to their new areas. This left us with 2 hours where we had no plans, and it would have been a waste of time to drive back to Loughborough, so we decided we were going to street contact at the Leicester city center.  Elder Costigan and I split up and in 2 hours we were able to find 28 potential investigators! none of them will be for us because Leicester itself isn't our area, but it was fun to able to find for the other teams in the zone and go to a place where neither of us had been before.  

one of the potentials that Elder Costigan found actually is a uni-student from Loughborough and we were able to teach her and she is now on a baptismal date for the 21st of June! on the 21st we have 4 baptisms scheduled, and on the 7th we have a chinese investigator named David who is looking really solid! he came to church yesterday and loved it! received answers to his questions and he is really feeling the spirit in his life.  

tomorrow I take my drivers test again, and I would like to ask each of you to pray for me! the driving is soooo different here and it's much harder and I really need to be able to pass this test so that we will be able to go on more exchanges to help our zone, so please pray for me to be able to be relaxed and to pass the test which I will take tomorrow morning!

I love all of you so much! I also know that the church is true! Elder De Feo, an Area 70 (from Italy) came to our stake conference and he was INCREDIBLE. it's amazing to see how carefully he listened for what the spirit was trying to teach him, and during both the saturday and sunday sessions, he looked for patterns in the meeting, and free-styled 2 different talks based on how he was feeling the spirit. His Sunday session talk was one of the best I've heard in my life, out of any that have been in general conference or anywhere. He told the stories of Christ raising people from the dead in the New Testamanent.  No one in the world is spiritually dead. we may think that people have no chance of accepting the gospel, or of finding happiness, or improving their lives, but when the Savior lays his hands on them, they will awake. No one is spiritually dead, they are only sleeping!  my challenge to each of you is find those of your loved ones you feel are dead, and wake them up!  love them and serve them and have faith that the Savior can do anything! 

Have an amazing week! talk to you soon! 

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