Monday, August 4, 2014

August 4, 2014

It's August. that's unreal! 

This week was brilliant, the zone is doing fantastic and Elder Costigan and I have been blessed with some great miracles as well. It is probably the last week of Elder Costigan and I serving together. we've been together 4 months, and he has become one of my brothers!! I will miss serving with him, and I hope that I'll be able to have more companions that are as diligent and have as much desire to get things done as he does. 

Our most progressing investigator is Anthia. She is the refferral from Barry and David. We taught her loads this week, she accepted a date for the 30th of August. we're looking forward to some baptisms in August and we'd like to ask you to pray for Anthia, Henry, Alex, Ariel, Michael, Sean, and Mark, who are preparing to make covenants during this month.  

It always hits me during sacrament meeting how amazing it is to be a member of the church.  I can't get over how much it doesn't make sense in my mind why doing missionary work/ living the gospel makes us happy, and it's incredible what perfect sense it makes to my heart that when we do these simple things we feel indescribable joy.  I learned this week that there is never really a need to worry when we're trying our best.  Elder Costigan and I were talking, and we realized that so many times in both of our missions, it seems like there is no possible way that something is going to work out. and it does. Usually not the way we want it to, but the end, there is always something great that happens as long as we're trying our best. sometimes we first need to have loads of disappointments.  so.. as Bobby Mcferrin says, "don't worry, be happy!" 

This week I was able to visit stamford on exchange. Easily the most difficult proselyting area I've ever worked in, and easily the most beautiful. the whole time I was there I was just absolutely amazed of the town. the country side and the architecture. the bit that was most incredible was the walk to Burleigh house, the house used in Pride and Prejudice. it was a fantastic day and although most people we talked to ignored us/rejected us, I'll never forget that day! 

I had a dream that I was called to serve in the Lindon 1st ward haha when I received the call from my mission president in the dream, I started crying. anyways I love you all so much! hope you have a great week! talk to you soon. 

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