Monday, August 11, 2014

Aug 11, 2014

Dear Family and loved ones!

I love all of you so much! I think that's the most important thing you can understand from any of my emails. I really do! I am grateful every day for the opportunity I have to serve the lord, and without you, my family, it wouldn't be possible.  

This week was full of miracles. One of the biggest miracles in our lives have been the woman's England Cricket team. They all live in one house, and  a recent convert in Loughborough lives in a tiny split off room from the rest of the house. He became really good friends with all of them, and he invited us over to meet them! they are seriously some of the coolest people I've ever met. We're grateful for members who are willing to open their mouths and share the gospel! At this stage they aren't investigating very seriously, but each time we go over there they ask us so many questions about the church, and we think a couple of them are keen to learn, and in the future we know they will have good ideas about latter-day saints. 

Anthea is one of our miracles. This is the Chinese girl who was street c ontacted by Barry, and then by David, both recent converts, who were both on seperate occasions prompted to talk to. She has now come to church 4 times and she is on a date for the 30th, however, we are thinking of moving it back to the 16th.  Alex and Ariel are 2 more of our miracles, they are progressing sooooooo well! they love church and they love the temple. 

One of the most incredible happenings of this week was that 6 of the recent converts in Loughborough attended the London temple. WOW. How great was our joy! As all of these people live very far away from home, there is a good chance I won't ever see a lot of them ever again. I'm so looking forward to our reuniting in the kingdom of our Heavenly Father! 

This week is transfers. I don't want to leave loughborough. ever. I'll keep you updated on what happens with that. 

This week my testimony of Joseph Smith was strengthened so much. and to put it in modern terms.. he was just an absolute boss. No one was more unasdhamed of the gospel than he was, and I love to hear of his testimony. I love the final versus of D&C 128, that I was able to read this morning. It was one of those times when I finished my personal study, I never wanted that spirit that I was feeling toleave.As I ponder how incredible it is that this really  is the restored gospel, each time I am in awe that this is actually true! and how is it possible that it makes me happier than ANYTHING. Today is one of those days that I just want everyone to know that a young uneducated boy saw God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ. In fact, I might just keep telling people that this week :) we'll see, I'll let ya know how it goes. 

Know I am happy, safe, and trying my hardest. I love you all! 

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