Monday, July 21, 2014

July 21

It was another great week!

We've been able to finally increase our teaching pool again this week! we're finally teaching loads of people again and it's a happy time for us. 

My favorite miracle this week was to be with our 2 recent converts, Barry, and David, as David laid his hands on Barry's head to confirm him to the Aaronic Preisthood. One of the proudest moments of my life, and I will remember it FOREVER! We have been so blessed with so many Recent converts who are so converted to the gospel. This week David came Street contacting with Elder Costigan, and Barry came with me, so we were able to do double the finding, and they both loved it! David, while Elder Costigan was talking to someone, on his own stopped a student, got her number, and she came to church yesterday! We have been doing a lot of finding through our recent converts and it's been my favorite part of my mission so far to spend so much time with so many people that I love. 

Playing basketball with the post-graduate students has been another excellent way to find new people to teach. This week as we were playing, these 8 Phillipino kids came to play as well, all high school-aged. They were way cool, and we will be teaching all of them this week! there are only about 100 phillipino's in Loughborough, and they are all best friends, so if we were able to befriend all of them, we would be able to see some amazing miracles. 

I got in my first car-crash ever this week! woo hoo! it was very very small. no one was injured. I was pulling out of a T-junction, and the car coming into the same road took a really tight turn at a blind turn in, and we hit each other. everything is ok I'm just bummed I've ruined the perfect record of not getting in a car accident or getting pulled over. oh well! it's because they drive like maniacs in this country! haha just kidding it's actually really quite safe. 

This week we'll have interviews with president Rasmussen, and so we'll spend the entire day on Wednesday attending each districts district meetings. Pray for me to make it through that day. Other than that, I am very optimistic for the future and for everything that is happening in the work. Leicester zone is really doing amazing.. all of our missionaries are so incredibly diligently and they love the work! couldn't ask for better circumstances! 

Have a great pioneer day! enjoy the pool, (I think you catch the hint, I miss the pool) but not near as much as I miss each and every one of you! have a great day :)

Elder Samuel Harris. 

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