Monday, September 22, 2014

Sept 22, 2014

good morning!!

This week was pretty good! some more goodbye's... but it was alright! last monday for p-day we went to a monastary called mount st. bernadino's abbey or something like that, basically a place where monks live for their whole lives dedicated to god. it was beautiful! I'll send some pics in a few weeks of the abbey. 

This week we saw one of the coolest miracles I've ever seen on the mission.  I was on exchange with an Elder called Elder Bies. We were streeet contacting and we met a chinese giril named felicity. she was way cool, and we got a return appointment with her for saturday. nothing else really happened it was a pretty normal contact. However, the same night, Ivy called us from China, telling us that one of her best friends Felicity, randomly felt like she needed to tell Ivy about the event. She had no idea Ivy was a member, and she hadn't sent Ivy a message in a few weeks, but she opened up her message by saying, (according to the translation of Ivy, they are both chinese) " Hey Ivy, I just met 2 missionaries from America, I've been really sad the last few months and I hope they can help me change my life." Ivy quickly asked what the names were of the missionaries, and she replied. "The one from utah is Xie Ding- Long" Ivy was so excited to hear that she was talking about us. Ivy then preceded to share her testimony with her, and Ivy said to pay close attention to what we have to teach her. what a miracle! We taught Felicity on Saturday, she understood everything. She came to church on Sunday, and LOVED IT! It was the primary program, and that's brilliant for new people to see. After church I asked her how she liked it, and she said, "I'm going to tell all of my friends about this place because I feel great." haha I said, "Hey, that's what I do 24/7, maybe we can hire you!"  we showed her pictures of Ivy's baptism and she said that she really wants to join the church, we told her that we will need to teach her several more times so that she can know what she is joining, and she is looking forward to learning more. I wish things like this could happen all of the time for missionaries who are struggling. the crazy thing is, every missionary who talks to loads of people every day sees loads of miracles, and those who are not working hard cannot have these same experiences that will change their lives forever. I'm grateful for good examples in my life who have taught me to work hard and be able to have such memorable experiences. 

I said goodbye to Ariel, Alex, Anthia, and they are nearly the last of my godbye's, besides members. we still haven't received transfer news yet, we will tonight, so I'll try my best to let you know sometime tomorrow what's happening with me for my last area.  I'm really hoping to go to Wales as I have not yet served there and I think it would be a great experience. I've heard that it's extremely tough for finding people to teach, but I think I would love it! 

Today for P-day we'll be going to Leicester down town, and just hanging out for what should be my last p-day in the zone. 

On Saturday Alex and Ariel, and Jeff, (ivy's awesome boyfriend who we've only known for 2 weeks) took us to a cheng du style restaurant where we had hot pot. holy cow do I love hot pot. ask steve nickle about it, I'm sure he likes it as well.  it was a farewell dinner and I honestly don't like western food that much anymore. but I can't wait to bring you all to china with me in the future! gonna be sick! 

After church there was a little lunch prepared for us by the members who live in a small village called melton mowbray. We got talking to some of the members about golf, and found out that there are 3 members that are golfing regularly, but are not improving, and they've asked me if I can look at their swings haha, if I'm here for next p-day, I'm going to a sweet golf course called six hills. 

I love you all, another week has gone by... wow! 4 transfers left, leaving it all on the field! talk to you soon!


Elder Sam Harris. 

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