Monday, October 28, 2013


So.. this will be the first november since freshmen year in high school that I haven't participated in no-shave november! so please pray for me as I have to make that sacrafice. Just kidding haha I'm so used to shaving every day and It's weird to me that I used to have a beard! This week was alright! kind of slow unfortunately. On Tuesday we had a feeling that we should postpone Louise's baptism a week, and so we prayed about it Tuesday night and the feelings was confirmed that we needed to wait another week. It's ok though, because she honestly has no concerns. We're not sure why we needed to postpone it, but we'll find out someday! On Tuesday we also got to teach Amy, and had another solid lesson with her! she is really progressing! she called us this week and was like "Guys, I need your help.. It's totally fine if this is too much work for you, but can you guys assign me something to read in the Book of Mormon every day so I can learn something new every day??" Obviously we have made time for her to read something new every day, and she is loving the book of mormon! see the picture attatched as to where we taught the lesson on Thursday with her! in her back garden is a breathtaking view of a typical English country-side. She is really progressing and I'm so stoked to hear about how everything goes with her. There is a sister in our ward named Sister Rigby, and she conducts this class at the Eastwood Chapel called, motiv8u, it's a self-improvement course for us to bring our investigators/anyone who wants to come to better our lives! The things I have learned have been really great and I'm stoked to see my improvement as a missionary because of it. It's amazing how many of the things we learned that we can relate to the gospel, and how all of it has to do with the atonement, the source of our strength! Sunday was extremely emotional for me! as you know, i'm a bit of cry baby when it comes to goodbye's! it was so hard for me to leave the chapel on Sunday, saying goodbye to the people that have served me so much over the past 7 months, they are all amazing people and I can't wait to be come back and visit them! After Church, we had a feast at the Marinas home, and had a really spiritual testimony meeting. After, Ruby asked me to go s ay s omething that I've learned from everyone in the room, which resulted in a bunch of more tears, and I couldn't even start talking about Elder Pogue because I would have just lost it and wouldn't have been able to talk! To say the least, I have loved my 7 months in Eastwood, and it's looking promising that I will be headed somewhere else on wednesday! Somewhere new to learn and grow as a missionary and a representative of the savior Jesus Christ. Spiritual thought: Genesis 18:14. Is there anything too hard for the lord??...... no! Short and sweet but so true! So sweet to see Spencer bossin' it up with his girlfriend! that's ma boi! good for the cougars, getting the big win against BSU, a team that we have struggled against so much in the past few years. so-for some other news, I've decided that I'm going to go back to USU. for sure. I love it too much and I feel the spirit telling me that's where I need to go! I needed to make a decision because I think it was getting in the way of the missionary work. I love you guys, and in a week I will be emailing you from somewhere else in the U.K! be good. I got the package! the best part about it?? the goldfish! I've been munching on that stuff all the time! thank you for everything and it really is a great package! Love you guys! Elder Sam Harris.