Monday, September 15, 2014

Sept 15, 2014

Hey guys! 

This week was legit, and very spiritual!! I feel like my testimony has increased loads this week. Finally our finding efforts have been paying off and we've been able to establish a better teaching pool, despite not being able to work on or near the uni, things are going ok! This week Ariel was baptised and confirmed, she asked me if I could perform both of the ordinances, and I was happy to! the baptismal service was incredibly spiritual.  Because Ariel is so shy, there were hardly any people in attendance, because she wanted it to be that way, however, each of the teams in Loughborough brought investigators that really benefitted from watching a baptism.  One of our investigators, Anthea, had a great experience- after the baptism, Elder Pogue and I went up to talk to her, and in her own words she said, "I feel like I want to cry!" she didn't look happy, so I asked her if she wanted to cry in a good way or in a bad way, and she said that she wanted to cry in the best way possible. She received her witness that being baptised is exactly what she needs to do! 

Another miracle we saw from the baptism is Ariel's husband, Alex, loved it as well, and he told us that he is next in the font once he is able to quit smoking.  The other elders investigator, Aidan, a 13 year old boy, loved the service, and he's really looking forward to his baptism this weekend as well.  

We found some excellent new people this week! one of them is named Melanie. she is a sweet sweet woman in her late 20's, who is suffering from a Heroin addiction. She has 2 children, and she wants more than anything to be able to quit this terrible habit. She isn't your typical junkie drug user, she's a sincerely incredible woman who has unfortunately made a few choices in her life that she's had to suffer for, but we're confident that the gospel will change everything in her life. It makes me so sad to see things like this, but also so happy to know that through the atonement each and every one of her situations can improve. 

This is the last week of the transfer- a good chance that I could actually stay in Loughborough for another, which would make 9 months- by far my longest area. it's crazy to think that in less than 6 months I will have been finished with my mission. I don't like to think about it, but it's starting to feel real.  

How are Perkins, Jonny, Tyler, Bryson, etc doing? I miss those guys! I hope they are doing well! 

Please keep Alex, Anthea, and Melanie in your prayers, as these will be the investigators that we will focus on throughout the course of this week. 

This week was also absolutely emotinoal with 2 more terrible goodbye's- the goodbye's of Ivy and David. I love these people so much! I'm confident that they'll pave the way for the gospel to be brought to China as the prophets have prophesied. too many tears, but more than anything, I'm so grateful that God has placed people in our paths that have become some of my best friends in the world, people that I have loved more than I thought was possible to be able to love, and people who have helped me realize how truly lucky I am to be able to have the gospel. The best possible gift that anyone can receive. 

Well.. enjoy some pics that I'll send, I've finished another SD card so I'll send that soon ASAP. love you all so much!

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