Monday, December 8, 2014

Dec 6, 2014

Welsh street

Elder Dryden (Sarah Bowles brother) and Elder Kerr, two of my favorite elders in the mission. 
Elder Higham and I this morning

Hey Family! This week was another crazy one, full of meetings and not much missionary work.  The highlight of the week was probably going to Costco with Sister Rasmussen. That has always been on my bucket list, and it happened! woo woo! 

In our area we had a cool miracle this week. We contacted a very sweet lady named Tamara during Wednesday morning, and she agreed to letting us drop off a "Joy to the World" DVD the same night. We had another appointment scheduled that night with a single sister, so we brought Brett with us to be a member present. Unfortunately, the single sister cancelled, but as we went to drop off the DVD for Tamara, because we had Brett with us, we were able to go inside, share with her not only the DVD, but the "He is the Gift" video, and share an introduction to the restoration. We are excited to teach her more in the future, and will keep you updated. 

On Thursday I FINALLY GOT TO GO TO WALES! It was awesome, we were in Cardiff, for the Cardiff/Merthyr Tydfil/Cheltenham Zone Conference. On thursday evening we spent the night until about 12 preparing for everything.  On Friday morning Elder Higham and I went running and it is a beautiful city! I really enjoyed seeing a new place, and being in a new country. All of the welsh people I talked to were extremely friendly, it makes me want to finish my mission there! 

The actual conference was great! President and Sister Rasmussen do such a good job, they are so sharp! It was CHRISTmas focused.  Christmas hymns are such a brilliant way to feel the spirit!! It was really great to see so many missionaries! there were 100 there, and we still have 2 more zone conferences to do this week. The departing testimonies are always my favorite part of zone conferences.  It's amazing what we hear when people have 2-3 minutes to highlight the things they have learned in the last 2 years.  The spirit is always so strong!  One of my favorite things I have recognized recently is the change of heart we receive as a result of feeling the spirit spoken of in Mosiah 5:2. After each powerful experience from the spirit my desires seem to change. Something that hit me yesterday during the conference, was that next time zone conference comes around, it will be my time to be up there giving the departing testimony. That thought came and it made me realize I better give absolutely everything for these last months, there is no time to waste. 

Today we are going to an awesome couples named the Fel's, they always feed us loads and AMAZING food, so we're looking forward to finishing our p-day that way. 

Next week we have 2 zone confences, and 2 other training meetings, so we're basically done prosetlyting for the rest of the transfer.  Our area is no where close to where it needs to be at the start of next transfer, but everything will work out.  

The pics-- us with Sister Rasmussen at Costco

Me in front of our mission sign, doing my thing

Probably my favorite sisters in the mission named their car after me! I was honored 

Love you all so much! 

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