Saturday, December 13, 2014

Dec 13, 2014

Hey family, I'm so sorry about the very short message this week, we do not have too much time today, with zone conference and transfers we've been so busy! 

for skype, I'll try to be calling you around 6 o' clock england time or so, which is 11 in the morning for you guys, I'm not sure exactly where I will be skyping at, but there are a few families who have offered. I'm really looking forward to that! 

dad- that's amazing you ran into casey! that's cool. 

It was crazy to see Paul Hatch. I can imagine he is such an incredible young man, he was before he left, and I'm sure the mission has improved him even more. I really look forward to hanging out with him. 

PERK IS ENGAGED!!!!!! nothing made me happier than receiving this news this morning from London. London and I are actually instant chatting right now which has been way sweet. 

Josh-- Therese is so cute!! stamp of approval 10x.  

Michael-- wow that's massive. 

Meg-- you are seriously so pretty! I'm happy that dan is a legend and that you guys are having so much fun together! I'm excited to meet him :) 

I added another layer to make things not as cold but unfortunately it didn't really work.  haha 

This week was 4 meetings, and so we didn't really proselyte, we did get a couple of new investigators though, one is a muslim guy who is an absolute legend! he is very open to learn more about the church so that's exciting. we'll keep you posted on all other miracles. 

The Church is still true. 

Jesus Christ is the only way!

Elder Sam Harris. 

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