Saturday, October 18, 2014

Oct 18, 2014

Hey family!! 

Last week, Sue was baptised and confirmed, I'll send the pictures in another email to you.  It was a really great service! we had about 30 of the members come out to support her, and the spirit was really strong, as always. She is still doing awesome, she's working towards going to the temple in November, and it is always such a delight to spend time sharing the gospel with her! 

On Sunday we had Sonia come to church, she is doing AMAZING! We saw her on sunday night with the same senior couple I mentioned earlier called the Jolley's, and she has been reading and praying every day, she hasn't missed church since the first time we met her, and when we asked her how she was feeling about Nov. 1st, she said that she knows she needs to do it. We finished teaching her the commandments this week, and now all we have to share with her is about the temple and family history.  She is one of the sweetest ladies I've met on my mission, and she is going to be an outstanding member of the church! she was so prepared by the lord to receive this gospel, and it's amazing to look back from finding her a few weeks back, to how much progress she has made in such a short amount of time because she has been diligent in reading the Book of Mormon daily, and praying sincerely to know if it's true. 

Golfing was way fun! we're going to the putting green again today. I shot a 38, not bad for not playing in 18 months, but always room for improvement :)  

On Tuesday we taught a new investigator, Shauna, and we put her on a date to be baptised on the 15th of November! She has heard of the church in the past from a friend in college, and when I contacted her on the street she was pretty excited to meet with us. Please keep Sonia, Shauna, and Matte in your prayers!

Matte is the Hungarian kid we mentioned earlier. He's a great kid, but we're not sure how much desire he has at the moment. 

To answer a few of dad's questions, I got pictures of me and my previous companions at mission leadership council, and we'll have plenty more where they'll all be there, we give training at the mission leadership council and at zone conferences, and at zone conferences I'll get to go to Wales, in Cardiff, and Swansea for the first times as well. 

miracle we had was on Thursday, I street contacted a man who, with a giant smile on his face, asked, "Are you a mormon missionary?" turns out that this man, Nigel, investigated the gospel 30 years ago when he was in his teens. He just found his faith in Jesus Christ 10 years ago, and he asked if we could sit down right then and have a discussion about the book of mormon, because he thought it might make more sense to him now that he has a faith. As we sat down together and discussed the restoration and the Book of Mormon, he was so excited to read it. He promised me that he would read the whole book in the next 3 weeks, and we can't wait to follow up with him and see how he's feeling about the gospel. We're also excited because he is a lawyer, and has a family, and he's incredibly bright. He's a kingdom builder!-- not sure what's happned with the font style. 

love and miss you! let me know of any other questions you have for me! 

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