Saturday, October 11, 2014

Oct 11, 2014

Good morning family!

This week was brilliant!

On Monday, we once again, spent all day in the office preparing for mission leadership council, and printing out the key indicators for the mission, as well as finalizaing the monthly report for convert baptisms that gets sent to the church headquarters. 

On Tuesday, Mission Leadership Council was great. I always enjoy seeing my good friends from the mission, each of my companions still on the mission were at the meeting. It was great to see Elder's Debeikes, Costigan, Pogue, and Unice.  After MLC I got to go back to COVENTRY! It was probably in my top 3 favorite exchanges of my mission so far.  First, we went and visited Sam and Sarah Bowles, and then, we got to go and visit Gifty! she is soooo sweet. I walked into the door, and she was expecting the missionaries that are currently there. When she realized it was me her face just lit up it was a priceless moment.  "HHHAAARRRRIIISSS!!!!!!" Sam and Sarah also made us breakfast, and then we went street contacting at the university there for a few hours, in the pouring rain. after an hour and half of being completely soaked, I was basically numb in most of my body so the pain was gone and we had more energy to keep going until we had to exchange back :) as much as it is cold and wet, while talking to these random strangers, every so often I realize how much I love being a missionary, and how much I will miss this when it's over. 

Wednesday we did a lot of finding actually which was a great change of pace from being in the office. 

On thursday we had zone meeting, and then sue's baptism interview. Sue will be baptised in about 5 hours, we're really looking forward to it, and so is she! we'll send pictures next week.  On Thursday we had an opportunity to teach in a members home. As we were waiting for an investigator to come to the appointment, we decided to street contact an old woman. Her name is Trish and she's a miracle. She is SO SWEET. She's extremely roman catholic. As we had the first lesson with her yesterday, she said before we said anything, "I'm not ever going to be a mormon." As we talked about the restoration, and especially the great apostacy, everything made sense to her, and by the end of the lesson she was so excited to read the book of mormon, to find out if God really does call prophets today.  It was a testimony to me that god puts people in our paths that are looking for the truth, even if we only have 3 mintues of finding time. 

Oh yeah, I was sick all week as well, every morning I woke up and felt like I couldn't move, but every day I was able to make it just to the end with strength sufficient to finish out the day before I would fall asleep regardless of what we were doing. I'm feeling much better now and have been using OnGuard on my chest and throat, I think it's helped heaps! 

After were finished emailing, we're going to pipe-hayes golf course to play 9!! woo! I'm stoked, even if I shoot in the 50's, it's going to be a blast to go out there and play. the deal is, 10 pounds for unlimited golf after 2, and because it's pretty cold and windy, I reckon hardly anyone is there! so, we might even get more than 9 holes in :) 

Know that each of you are in my prayers and I'm excited each time I hear from you. I'm glad that you're all happy, and I pray that you will be able to achieve the righteous desires of your hearts! 

Love and miss you!

Elder Samuel Harris. 

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