Monday, February 17, 2014

Feb 17, 2014

Hey fam and friends!

Another great week! we have completed the discussions with Da Hua, Michael,  Albert, Frank, Luis, Long, Cathy, Gifty, and Rosalyn! so those are the investigators eligible for baptism on Saturday. It would be outstanding if they would all make it, and again, I ask for your prayers for them to make it! if they don't make it on saturday, I know they will sometime in March or in the near future, but I would love to see them be baptized as I might leave Coventry soon!

On Monday Mitch sent us a text basically saying that his family went balistic when they heard he was going to church, and so he's not allowed to come to church anymore. He was so exited for his baptism! so that was a huge bummer. but we are still meeting with him every once and a while at the university when we can. Elder Unice and I have now been kicked out of the University hang out we were teaching at, and the public library. so we don't have anywhere to teach besides people's houses right now, which we could use help with! we taught a couple of lessons in ikea, and it was alright, but please pray for us to find another good place to teach!

The valentine's package was awesome! I love that book with some of my closest friends! I also LOVED all of the letters from spencers friends, and their advice for me on how to enjoy my mission and continue working hard. I really needed all of their encouragement and support while I am out here! I could sense in their writing their love for being a missionary, and it makes me never want to leave! also, thank you for the goldfish and for the puzzle. however with the puzzle, there is  no picture for me to look at! so I am just putting it together with no idea what it actually is! haha

On Saturday, and yesterday, we had dinner appointments with members of our church who are from India, and we had some AMAZING indian food. before my mission I wasn't a big fan, but I think it might be my favorite along with chinese food. 

On Sunday we had 10 investigators at church! Nora and Sheri haven't missed a week in like 5 weeks! they are coming to the baptism on saturday so they can see it, and tell their parents about it, hoping that they will eventually get the  consent ffrom them to join the church. they are incredible and possibly two of my favorite invesigators I've had my whole mission. 

Yesterday at church sacrament meeting was all about families, and so many different times throughout the lesson the spirit hit me so powerfully! the peaking moment when we sang families can be together forever. I absolutely know that to be true. All of my life I have been blessed with the spiritual gift of being very confident and sure of my belief in God, and the power of the atonement which was an excellent foundation for my testimony. Constantly on my mission I am reminded of basic truths of the gospel that will almost knock me off my chair. For example: WOW, Joseph Smith actually was a prophet.. Thomas S. Monson actually does have the exact same keys and power as Moses/Abraham/Adam/Joseph Smith etc. I love when these things become real to me, and nothing makes me happier. Seeing the people in England with and without the gospel is quite an incredible difference. And I have noticed that the difference is hope.  We have a hope that the church is true, and that we do have a purpose in this life. So many members of the church struggle with their testimonies in different areas and never develop a perfect knowledge, but their hope for a better world keeps them happy!  And it's amazing.   If anyone back home is struggling with their testimony and is confused about something, please email me! I would LOVE to help you get back on track and experience the great happiness which is the gospel of Jesus Christ!!  I'm not saying my testimony is perfect because there is so much that I need to learn and apply in my life to become more Christlike. My calling is to invite people to come unto Christ, not just to those in England! I love this gospel, and sincerely want everyone to hear the message and experience the hope that it brings.  Love y'all like heck!!  Que tengan una buena semana!!

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