Monday, February 10, 2014

Feb 10, 2014

   This was easily the quickest week of my mission!
We taught 25 lessons this week which was the most of my mission so far! On Monday we had a really good appointment with Da Hua, and committed him to everything, and finished the lessons with him! he is now ready for baptism, except he didn't come to church yesterday, because he slept in, but he's been 3 other times so all is well!

On tuesday we had an incredible lesson with Our investigator Mitch, the only English kid. He is so cool! we saw him nearly every day this week and each day the light inside of him becomes brighter and brighter.  Our investigator from Ghana, Gifty, fed us 4 times this week. She keeps the food warm for us every day just incase we come over haha she is the cutest! an absolute miracle happened with her. We were kind of stuck with Gifty, not sure what we needed to do to help her progress. She is going back to University, being 35, she hasn't done school for the last half of her life, and so she's needed a lot of help. She was praying at night, and for some reason she couldn't stop thinking about the church, and how she probably needed to take it more seriously. She prayed and asked heavenly father to help her confirm that the things we teach her about eternal famillies are true. she went to University the next day, and became friends with the kid sitting next to her named Morgan, who is a genius. So she called us and told us that she found a friend to help her with her class work, and she was really exited. We went over to her house later that day, and Morgan is a Yound Single Adult in Coventry ward, who is every active. She took this whole thing as a confirmation that she definitely needs to be baptized soon which is terrific and we are way stoked!

We watched the restoration DVD in Chinese with almost all of our investigators this week because they have been taught every lesson so we are now reviewing things before the 22nd! On last monday, the Zone leaders in Coventry decided that we should have a chinese activity at the church because of all of the invesigators, so we decided to have a chinese hot pot party! it was super last minute, and we ended up being able to bring 30 non-members which was a huge miracle!! I didn't take a lot of pictures, but I did take a lot of videos that you will be able to see when you get the sd card.

church was great! we had 10 investigators at church and they all loved it! The investigators all went around the room in sunday school and introduced themselves and why they were at church. some of the funny responses were Michael and Cathy. Michael said, "I am here because Elder Unice and Elder Harris Kidnapped me, and I had no choice" in broken chinese it was hilarious. and then Cathy said, "I am here because Elder Unice and Elder Harris are so cute! and they have helped me become content with my life, and the feeling inside my heart is always so warm and happy when I am worshipping god." We went to the homeless shelter again, and then we went over to Sam Bowles house later that night and it was a great day! today for P-day we are going to a transport musuem in the city center. should be alright! love you all so much, talk to you soon! The picture is me and Nora and Sheri! The scroll that our investigator Cathy gave us, and then Elder Unice, Michael Jordan, and I on Chinese new year!

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