Monday, February 10, 2014

Feb 3, 2014

This week was pretty good!
I cannot believe it's been a week since last monday! time FLIES. I cannot believe the seahawks just stomped on the Broncos. We had some amazing lessons and New Investigatos this week! so on the 22nd of February it looks like at least 6 of our investigators will be baptized, and hopefully 10 will make it! They have decided that because the font isn't going to be ready by then, the mission is hiring a coach to go to the nearest chapel, because within the whole ward, there should be about 12 baptisms! an absolute miracle in Coventry. 
We have a white investigator who is progressing!! wooo!! haha he is so cool, his name is Mitch and he's an absolute Legend. He came to church yesterday and enjoyed it, and will come again. His life has changed pretty dramatically in 3 weeks from learning about the gospel, and it's incredible to see the changes the lord can make in such a short period of time. 
On Friday we went to the chinese new year gathering at the University to watch our investigators perfrom. it was so awesome!! Ni hao ma is all I can say. I'm pretty sure the brethren messed up on my mission call.. I should have gone to Hong Kong. Just kidding, I know I'm in the right place for a reason but I wish I was sorrounded by purely chinese and their amazing culture and food and humor. 
Nora and Sheri REALLY want to get baptized, but still can't! because they still need their parents consent. so please continue to pray for them to be able to get baptized so they can have the gift of the holy ghost in their lives! This week i would love to ask to concentrate your prayers on Nora, Sheri, Michael, Da Hua, Cathy, Long, Luis, Frank, Aramide, Gifty, Rosalyn, Albert, and Jim. All possible for the 22nd of February. I love you guys so  much! so many incredible things are happening in our lives, and we are so blessed to have this time on earth to learn and grow from one another. I love you all!

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