Thursday, January 9, 2014

Dec 16th

9 days!!
I cannot wait to see all of your brilliant faces! I miss you guys loads. This week was really good! Our investigator Albert is doing really well and is coming to church, once again, I love the chinese! We just barely found out that Frank and Joan aren't married, so they will be taking a lot more time then we expected but it's alright. Luke is on his way to Romania and I'm going to miss that kid like crazy! he's so good.
Tuesday we had an absolutely incredible Miracle that had nothing to do with Finding, Teaching, or baptising.  We got a call from the assistants that we needed to go give an old man a blessing at the hospital. Elder DeBeikes and I were with our Zone Leader Elder Chardon for the day, because his companion finished his mission, so all 3 of us went to the hospital to see this old man from India, laying in his bed, having an extremely hard time breathing and shaking uncontrolably, his family was surrounding him giving him comfort. He attempted to talk to us, but his shaking and breathing we're interrupting the words, and we had no idea what he was saying. No one in the room was LDS besides us, the son of the old man's best friend is a member, and he sent the message to the mission home saying that we needed to get the man a blessing.  So we preceded with the blessing, during the blessing the man ceased to shake, and his breathing went completely normal. After the blessing he sat up straight with good posture, and looked up towards us as if we were angels, and in a very clear voice said "Thank you." We were all amazed, and didn't really know how to react. The spirit of God was UNBELIEVABLE in that room. As we left the room none of us really talked about what happened. This is a really sacred experience for me, so I would appreciate it if you guys didn't tell anyone! the family and friends who take the time to read my emails would be the ones that I would tell this to anyways, but please don't tell anyone else! I just want to emphasize that this man being healed had nothing to do with Elder DeBeikes, Elder Chardon, or myself. It was absolutely the grace of our savior. 
On Wednesday I picked up Elder Unice from the mission home, my new greenie! he is honestly pre-trained. He's super good at talking to people and he's pretty solid in lessons already. We are going to work really hard and I continue to hope that we will have a lot of success. He is 23 years old, graduated with Josh, which is a little bit strange I'll be honest, cause sometimes I feel like because I'm just 19, how can I give advice to a 23 year old kid on how to be a good missionary, but things are going pretty good! I'm just stoked he came out ready to work!
A few of our investigators texted us this week and said they don't want to have the lessons anymore, which was heart breaking, so we have been spending a lot of time finding people to teach, but that's always good as well!
So for Christmas, I will either be calling you guys between 7-11 A.M. your time! so I will let you know better next monday on exactly what time I'll be calling. and the account is donjharris1 right?? anyways guys, I love you so much, I am so exited to see you guys, as during this holiday season I am missing you all like heck!!
What will be the movies you guys see this year? what are the plans for christmas? I love you guys!
Elder Harris.

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