Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10, 2014

Hello my family! I am so sorry I know I have so much to write but I don't have a lot of time to do so! so I was called to be a zone leader in the Leicester zone this week, however, my area is actually called Loughborough, it's at the tip of the zone and the surrounding cities to it are Nottingham, Derby, and Leicester. It's a good area! there is a Uni, but hardly any off-race students. mostly people born and bread in the U.K. and pretty posh from what I can gather. It is the most famous university for athletics! everyone is always outside playing football or rugby or something else! at the moment our teaching pool is really small, however, this week Elder Tuisku and I were able to find 40+ Potential investigators. we spent HOURS finding, and finding and more finding. I really enjoy the feeling at the end of the day when you know you busted your butt and had fun as well. So Elder Tuisku is the name of my new companion. He is from Finland, and he is such a beast! he is a great worker, and a really nice guy, and he's also way funnny! we have gotten along really well so far, however it is difficult to tell because we have only been together for a few days!!  

We have an investigator who we put on a baptismal date the day after I got here, her name is Jill, she is 61 and she is highly addicted to smoking! please keep her in your prayers and that she can make it for the 9th of April. It was devastating saying goodbye to all of my loved ones in Coventry. It was an incredible area, maybe my favorite 4 months of my entire life! I truly loved it. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to everyone I wanted to, but it's ok because I will  be able to go back for the baptisms!

I will send pics next week, I PROMISE. also I will share some cool miracles that happened next week, as I am really running out of time.

Know that I love you! Know that I pray for you and miss you all everyday! I'm so stoked to hear about all of the great things going on back home!  Have a great week!

Take care!

Elder Harris

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