Saturday, December 20, 2014

December 20, 2014

Hey family! this was a crazy week. actually it was a really emotional one, but overall is was great!

We worked on transfers for most of the day- all day for sunday and monday, it's been a great experience both times. On Sunday we found out that Elder Higham would be going to Birmingham City Center for his new area, called Harborne, and that my new companion would be Elder Lu. Elder Lu is great! he's from Provo, he went to Timpview. Both of his parents are Chinese so he speaks it perfectly. unfortunately, there are no chinese students or chinese people at all in our area, but it's still cool.  I've really been impressed with him so far. 

On Tuesday we gathered all of the departing missionaries from the train station and had our last night with them. definitely my best friends in the mission, elders and sisters, were in this group departing, which made for a really bittersweet moment. One of the sad things is as much as we like to think we'll hang out after the mission, with missionaries from all over the world, and going to different universities, etc. It will be so hard for us to stay close! Taking them to the airport was especially hard and seeing them leave, but all of these changes will be for the better. 

Transfers week is always a bit hectic with our sleep schedule. Monday to Tuesday we got 2 hours of sleep, and we got about an hour and a half from Tuesday to Wednesday. I didn't mind because we were so busy the whole time dealing with the new missionaries incoming Wednesday morning, but we had a fun surpriseon Wednesday night. We had assigned for 3 sister missionaries to drive to Wales, 3 hours away, to get to their new areas. President decided that because one of them had never driven in the U.K, he didn't want her first experience to be on the free-way, the other sister didn't have her license, and the third has just gotten off of 21 hours of flying from Provo without any sleep, so Elder Lu and I got to drive to Wales on Wednesday evening. Every 45 minutes or so we made a trip to a gas station to fuel up on snacks and drinks to keep us awake and going. In the end there was no real problems drowsy driving or anything, and it was actually way fun! let's just say I had no problem falling asleep that night, or any of the nights proceeding. 

Thursday we got exciting news about a member referral named Simon. So a recent convert named Brett who's been baptized since June brought a friend to churh, and now were teaching him! He is a really great guy with a lot of real-intent. He loves the Book of Mormon and church, so that makes for a great opportunity for us.  We'll keep you posted with how he is doing.  

For P-day today, we are going to buy loads and loads of chinese food. Elder Lu is basically a chef. I have been SHOCKED by the quality of food he has made for us already in just a few days. He's also on a very strict diet, that he's asked me if I'll do to help him, I was already doing one anyways so it will work out really well.  

So... for Christmas, I will call you sometime between 10-11 a.m. your time! I hope that is ok. Please let me know if that's not ok. if anything changes, I'll let you know immediately. we will be skyping at a part-member family house. THey are great and were more than happy to let us use their computers!  

Well, the church is true. It still will be for the next 2 transfers but I'll probably keep reminding you all :) Especially in this amazing season, I am grateful for Jesus Christ. For his example, for his love, for his atonement, and for him reaching out in love to us, his brothers and sisters, and restoring the truth to the earth today. Have a great week!! 


Elder Harris. 

P.S. I have received all of the Christmas packages, thank you so much! I'm waiting until Christmas to open them :) 

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Dec 13, 2014

Hey family, I'm so sorry about the very short message this week, we do not have too much time today, with zone conference and transfers we've been so busy! 

for skype, I'll try to be calling you around 6 o' clock england time or so, which is 11 in the morning for you guys, I'm not sure exactly where I will be skyping at, but there are a few families who have offered. I'm really looking forward to that! 

dad- that's amazing you ran into casey! that's cool. 

It was crazy to see Paul Hatch. I can imagine he is such an incredible young man, he was before he left, and I'm sure the mission has improved him even more. I really look forward to hanging out with him. 

PERK IS ENGAGED!!!!!! nothing made me happier than receiving this news this morning from London. London and I are actually instant chatting right now which has been way sweet. 

Josh-- Therese is so cute!! stamp of approval 10x.  

Michael-- wow that's massive. 

Meg-- you are seriously so pretty! I'm happy that dan is a legend and that you guys are having so much fun together! I'm excited to meet him :) 

I added another layer to make things not as cold but unfortunately it didn't really work.  haha 

This week was 4 meetings, and so we didn't really proselyte, we did get a couple of new investigators though, one is a muslim guy who is an absolute legend! he is very open to learn more about the church so that's exciting. we'll keep you posted on all other miracles. 

The Church is still true. 

Jesus Christ is the only way!

Elder Sam Harris. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

Dec 6, 2014

Welsh street

Elder Dryden (Sarah Bowles brother) and Elder Kerr, two of my favorite elders in the mission. 
Elder Higham and I this morning

Hey Family! This week was another crazy one, full of meetings and not much missionary work.  The highlight of the week was probably going to Costco with Sister Rasmussen. That has always been on my bucket list, and it happened! woo woo! 

In our area we had a cool miracle this week. We contacted a very sweet lady named Tamara during Wednesday morning, and she agreed to letting us drop off a "Joy to the World" DVD the same night. We had another appointment scheduled that night with a single sister, so we brought Brett with us to be a member present. Unfortunately, the single sister cancelled, but as we went to drop off the DVD for Tamara, because we had Brett with us, we were able to go inside, share with her not only the DVD, but the "He is the Gift" video, and share an introduction to the restoration. We are excited to teach her more in the future, and will keep you updated. 

On Thursday I FINALLY GOT TO GO TO WALES! It was awesome, we were in Cardiff, for the Cardiff/Merthyr Tydfil/Cheltenham Zone Conference. On thursday evening we spent the night until about 12 preparing for everything.  On Friday morning Elder Higham and I went running and it is a beautiful city! I really enjoyed seeing a new place, and being in a new country. All of the welsh people I talked to were extremely friendly, it makes me want to finish my mission there! 

The actual conference was great! President and Sister Rasmussen do such a good job, they are so sharp! It was CHRISTmas focused.  Christmas hymns are such a brilliant way to feel the spirit!! It was really great to see so many missionaries! there were 100 there, and we still have 2 more zone conferences to do this week. The departing testimonies are always my favorite part of zone conferences.  It's amazing what we hear when people have 2-3 minutes to highlight the things they have learned in the last 2 years.  The spirit is always so strong!  One of my favorite things I have recognized recently is the change of heart we receive as a result of feeling the spirit spoken of in Mosiah 5:2. After each powerful experience from the spirit my desires seem to change. Something that hit me yesterday during the conference, was that next time zone conference comes around, it will be my time to be up there giving the departing testimony. That thought came and it made me realize I better give absolutely everything for these last months, there is no time to waste. 

Today we are going to an awesome couples named the Fel's, they always feed us loads and AMAZING food, so we're looking forward to finishing our p-day that way. 

Next week we have 2 zone confences, and 2 other training meetings, so we're basically done prosetlyting for the rest of the transfer.  Our area is no where close to where it needs to be at the start of next transfer, but everything will work out.  

The pics-- us with Sister Rasmussen at Costco

Me in front of our mission sign, doing my thing

Probably my favorite sisters in the mission named their car after me! I was honored 

Love you all so much! 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Nov 29, 2014

So much food, and so much extra that's in our fridge at the moment! 

Elder and Sister Hall, two of my favorite people on the mission! I was there Zone leader while I was in Leicester, they are serving in Peterborough. If I ever make it to Victoria island in British Columbia I will definitely pay them a visit! 

He is the gift pass along cards for the mission. over 40,000! 

Mission leadership council, or Jedi council depending on the missionary. 

Probably my 3 best friends on the mission! Elder Debeikes, Sister Williamson and Elder Unice. I'm excited for you to meet them all! 

I took this picture to show you how many layers I'm wearing but it didn't come out like I wanted. Garments, Under armour, shirt, sweater, jacket, coat, scarf.  somehow it's still cold if it's wet haha 

Elder Higham got to drive Sister Rasmussen's Mini! 

Us at the thanksgiving feast we had for the senior couples.  

I'm really upset with this picture because it doesn't capture the words on the hat just behind the feathers that say "it's christmas time" but oh well. 

We spent P-day at a beautiful park- sutton park with our investiator Matte from Hungary. 

We got a massive triple combination for Sonia because her eye sight is terrible, and this is what we made for her on the front cover! when she saw it she was in shock and so excited!

Some owls we saw in Sutton Coldfield Town Centre. 

Good morning!! 

I hope you all had a WONDERFUL thanksgiving week! 

This week was really busy with meetings. On Monday we were up until about 2:00 A.M. preparing for Mission Leadership Council and cleaning the car-park that was so full of leaves and other things haha I've never slept so easily in my life! 

Tuesday was Mission leadership Council, we spent the whole day focusing on the He is the Gift initiative, and Elder Higham and I got to take part in that training which was loads of fun, I actually love presenting/speaking!  After we had a few short hours to proselyte, but they were great! we found a 21 year old Latvian named Jacob, who is really educated when it comes to religion and he understood the restoration perfectly, one of the cool miracles about that was that we got to teach him the first discussion in Sonia's home. (Our latest recent convert)  

Wednesday was our only day that we had mostly proselyting, until about 6. We were so blessed with the short time we had this week! we've established a decent teaching pool and all of my worries from the previous weeks have faded.  Everything will work out! 

Thursday President and Sister Rasmussen had all of the senior couple's meet at the mission office for a thanksgiving meal. It was great! there was about 35 in total, and there was probably more than 10 lbs. leftover of turkey and ham, which went straight into our fridge :) :) I'm not complaining about that! After the meeting We went to a Dinner appointment at the bishops house where they as well had us for a wonderful thanksgiving meal. To be honest It was one of my favorite thanksgivings I've had in my whole life. At the bishops home we went around the table and said what we were grateful for. I went first, and so I was trying to hurry and think of the things that were most important to me. It was a moment when it hit me like a ton of bricks how much I've changed on my mission. The only things coming to my head were directly related to the gospel.  thinking before my mission I would have without thought said things like Golf, baseball, girls, Halo, Madden, snowboarding, etc.  When it came time to say something I could only think of Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon, temples,  Abinadi, etc.  and I wasn't thinking those things because I felt like I had to, but I was thinking those things because that is sincerely what I am most grateful for in my life.  and of course, I AM SO GRATEFUL FOR MY FAMILY. that was said first haha.  It was a great day. 

Friday we had the follow up trainers meeting here at the office, it's always great to be surrounded by new missionaries who have so much fire and passion for the work.  

Today I bought all of the supplies for the families Christ package, I hope you enjoy it! I love you all so much! 

Elder Harris

p.s. I'M FINALLY GOING TO WALES THIS WEEK. Our zone conferences will be the next two weeks.  Starting this Thursday, we basically won't proselyte til the end of the transfer (The next 13 days-  so please pray for the people we are now working with because there is going to need to be some miracles to hold onto them without seeing them very often. take care! I love you all so much!